Maryland Student Legislature

Frequently Asked Questions

What is MSL?

The Maryland Student Legislature (MSL) is a state-wide organization with the mission of educating students about the government and politics of the state of Maryland. As a member of that organization, UMBC has its own club, or delegation, of students who represent the school of UMBC in the state-wide events for the MSL.

What do you do in MSL?

You learn to write your own original legislation and then debate it in a simulation of our state legislature. At the end of the year, all of the legislation adopted by the students is sent to the actual members of the Maryland General Assembly for their review.

What can MSL students do?
Our students, or delegates, have a plethora of activities they can participate in with the MSL. Bill writing and debating are the biggest two components of what we do. Students get the opportunity to write their own legislation, backed by research and literature, and get to present it for a debate and vote during sessions. Student’s can also practice networking and lobbying, and become well versed in policy research and public speaking.

How can you join MSL at UMBC?
To join UMBC’s Maryland Student Legislature, simply send us an email at umbcmsl@gmail.com expressing your interest, and we will guide you through the signup process.

Can I earn college credit if I participate in this?
Yes, participating students have the opportunity to earn academic credit by enrolling in POLI 341 (Legislative Simulation). This course provides a comprehensive understanding of the legislative process and practical experience in a simulated MGA setting.

How many times a week do we meet?
We meet twice a week, offering a balanced combination of in-person and online sessions. One meeting is held in person, allowing for face-to-face interactions, and the other is conducted online to accommodate diverse schedules and enhance accessibility.

Are there any leadership opportunities?
There are a lot of opportunities at the UMBC delegation and for the MSL at large. The MSL and UMBC’s delegation are all student run, so there are many leadership positions that are great experiences for learning how to lead an entire organization. For the MSL, there are six elected positions: the Governor who plans dates and works with the MSL Board of Executives; the Lt. Governor who aids in delegation networking and event administration; the Speaker of the House who runs each session; the Attorney General who is the legal consultant and parliamentarian of the MSL; the Secretary of State who supports the Speaker and the Attorney General; and finally the Comptroller who helps the Board of Executives manage the MSL budget.

For the UMBC delegation, there are only two required positions: the Delegation Chairperson (DCP) who acts as the club president, and the Treasurer who helps manage all club finances. UMBC does vote on these positions, and candidates will often be announced in the Spring.

Additionally, people usually run for Vice-Delegation Chairperson positions and for the Secretary
positions as other ways of being involved, but aren’t sure if they’re ready to commit too much to
the responsibilities of the DCP and Treasurer.

Does participating cost anything?
The MSL does require semesterly fees to help fund all of the activities we do since they often must not reserve spaces, but also help fund lunches, guest speakers, professional photographers, and paper-packets for the extensive amount of legislation we review during sessions. Beyond that, our delegation is responsible for our own transport and room and board for the overnight sessions, as well as lunches not provided by the MSL and for dinner. However, the UMBC delegation always makes the effort to utilize funding from the SGA and the Political Science Department to ensure all students are able to attend at little to no expense. Usually, the only expected costs are for transport like gas money, or for food, but there are ways for us to compensate delegates if they so choose.

Does this experience translate to any work experience?
The MSL website, msl.org, has many resources to help you stay up to date on Maryland politics and internships in places like Annapolis. The Board of Executives is made up of individuals who have experience in politics in some form, and many were MSL members during their college years. Their networking is well established and serves as a great way to
make early connections as you apply for internships or jobs in Maryland, or even government positions in general.

When does MSL meet for their Legislative session?

MSL hosts one legislative session each semester. Each legislative session is two days long, running from Saturday morning to Sunday evening. The Fall Session is hosted on a college campus. The Annual (Spring) Session is held in the Maryland State House in Annapolis.

Before each session, MSL hosts a Leadership Training Institute (LTI). At the LTI, members learn the ins and outs of parliamentary procedure and bill writing. The LTI is also an opportunity for career development. We often host speakers or seminars on law and graduate school admissions, internships in Annapolis and on Capitol Hill, and more.

What do I get out of MSL?

You learn how a legislature works–an invaluable skill if you want to work in Congress or the General Assembly, go to law or public policy school, or simply be active in your community. You improve your public speaking skills, learn to debate, and meet politically-active students from across the state and country. MSL alumni are willing to help students make connections, sharpen their skills, strengthen their resumes, and answer questions about their careers.

Are there social events?

Yes! During the Annual Session, MSL hosts an evening gala at a hotel in downtown Annapolis. There are also lunches and other opportunities for socializing during and after our sessions.